Monday, June 15, 2015

It's Only Mid-June

And I haven't seen any signs that the ladies in Rose will slow down for much of a break!

When I started this season, in my storage room,  I had a total of four empty supers. I had one super that was between 25% and 50% drawn out, and the remaining supers were all empty foundation. In early April, before leaving town on a vacation, I put one super on (the one that was partially drawn) just in case some flowers opened while I was gone. And two weeks later, I wish I had put two on at the beginning. And so the season has gone.

Now I have learned a bit from those mistakes, because I'm checking more frequently, and making sure they aren't running out of space too fast. About 4 weeks ago, the first (partially drawn) super was full, and they were drawing out the second. So I put two more on.

The last couple of weekends when I've checked them, they've been a bit stagnant, but I wasn't worried, I'd take 2 full supers for the season and be ecstatic with those results.

I checked again yesterday, expecting to see more of the same. They have capped the first and are in the process of capping the second, and the third and fourth are more than 50% drawn. Below are a couple pictures of some of the capped frames:

Look at this beautiful honey:

This frame is almost completely capped:

This side of the frame is only partially capped:

My Dad sent me a package last week with 3 more supers worth of frames, hoping to buy me some more time before I'd need an extractor. Well am I glad he did, and yet, if the intermittent rain and sun keep up, I'll need one in 4 to 6 weeks anyway.

When I saw how much progress had been made in just one week, I sort of freaked out just a bit, and ran into the house to pull out 2 more supers of empty foundation that my Dad sent. We've officially moved into step ladder territory. I think I may need to start lifting weights, too :)

Below are some more pictures, just for those who like looking through the pictures, and since I haven't been posting much lately:

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